
Standard Cleaning

Standard Cleaning

Every home that is frequented regularly will benefit from Standard Cleaning. This cleaning is a part of the General upkeep of all areas in your living space. Sponge-Mob Cleaning technicians will follow a check-point list that covers a general cleaning of the entire premises. This is done so that we can account for the space being cleaned and so you understand what expectations will be met. Our Standard Cleaning will last between 2-3 hours, and we will use anywhere from 1-3 workers depending on the requirements of the service. During a Standard Cleaning, we will be able to service all areas in your living space, including but not limited to the following:
Wiping all accessible surfaces with disinfectant.
Sponge-Mob Cleaning Services
Phone: 1(929) 343-4855
Email: Spongemob89@gospongemob.com


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